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Sihlwald Exhibition at Wildnispark Zurich

An exciting expedition into the history, present and future of the Sihlwald forest near Zurich.


The exhibition is held in a former sawmill at the entry of Sihlwald. At the visitor center, the exhibition “From Commercial to Natural Forest” shows the Sihlwald forest’s past, present and future and what role the relationship between humans and nature play. While today, the forest is reclaiming its old territory, in the past, the beech forest was the main source of firewood for the entire city of Zurich.

Interactive elements bring to life the forest’s flora and fauna in a playful way and proficient experts are there to answer all the questions the visitors may have.

A souvenir and book shop complete the offer at the entrance to Sihlwald.

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Opening Hours
Opening hours listed on the website
Prices listed on the website
Sihlwald Exhibition at Wildnispark ZurichAlte Sihltalstrasse 13
8135 Sihlwald
Telefon +41 44 722 55 22
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