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Stäfa Pedal Boat Rentals

Enjoy the summer on Lake Zurich with a pedal boat – you can rent one in Stäfa.

Stäfa (See)
  • Pedalo boat rental on the right shore of Lake Zurich
  • Some pedalos with slide
  • Can be rented for sunset and/or moonlight rides

The Traffic Association Stäfa rents pedal boats at Ötiker Haab in Stäfa. It is the only pedal boat rental site on the right bank of Lake Zurich and is operated by the wakeboard school Ceccotorenas Stäfa.

Nine pedal boats are available for leisurely rides or sunbathing on the lake. You can also stay on the lake in the evening, since the pedal boats can be equipped with lights for sunset or moonlight cruises. Advance registration by telephone is required for this.

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Opening Hours
Opening hours listed on the website
Prices listed on the website
Stäfa Pedal Boat RentalsSeestrasse 24c
8712 Stäfa
Telefon +41 76 383 66 58
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