Zurich Altstetten
Play Village
Realistically designed thematic spaces open an exciting new world to the kids who can play different roles in life.
- Indoor playground
- Role-playing games for kids
- Thematic spaces
- Four play sessions per day
- Cafeteria and baby changing stations
What do you want to be when you grow up? At Play Village, the children slip into different roles and live out their dreams. Whether they want to be a life saver, a movie star or chef, the sky’s the limit. Every corner of the Play Village is a replication of the real world. From a hospital to a supermarket to a busy building site. And in the thick of it, are the children that bring this world to life.
The Play Village features different spaces, each with another reality-related theme. The “Baby Kingdrom” was especially designed for babies younger than 24 months. Every other room is for kids aged 2 to 8 years. The Play Village is located on the 4th floor, and we recommend booking the play sessions in advance.
Play VillageBuckhauserstrasse 28
8048 Zürich