KSB Trail
What does queen Agnes have to do with the Cantonal Hospital Baden? Every solution to each puzzle unlocks another fun fact about the hospital and its history.
Baden, Kantonsspital
- Start: Cantonal Hospital Baden
- Duration: 2h
- 17 riddles
- Scavenger hunt
- Solve puzzles
- Accessible to baby strollers
Over 800 years ago, Queen Agnes left her homeland and kingdom of Hungary to join the Königsfelden Monastery in 1317. To show her gratitude, she donated a hospital, the Agnesen-Spital, to the city of Baden 30 years later.
Even today, the friendly spirit of the noblewoman can be felt in the corridors of the hospital. She has created a fun scavenger hunt through the entire grounds for her young guests. At 17 posts, talented clue finders solve fun riddles and playfully learn about the history of the Cantonal Hospital Baden, the important work they do there and how ist origin story.
Opening Hours
Opening hours listed on the website
Prices listed on the website
Info Baden Tourist OfficeBahnhofplatz 1
5400 Baden
Phone +41 56 200 15 30