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Botanical Garden – University of Zürich

The Botanical Garden shows off its best side in spring but the tropical greenhouses are also worth a visit in bad weather.

Zürich, Botanischer Garten
  • Worth a visit in any weather
  • Around 7,000 different plant species
  • With tropical greenhouses and garden area

Do you want to smell the scent of the tropics? Or admire the odd plants that grow there? Breathe in the smells of the Mediterranean? Admire the flowering alpine roses?

The travel agency that can take you to these faraway holiday destinations is called the Botanical Garden of the University of Zurich. Both the risk and travel costs are low and the guides speak your language. But as in all foreign worlds, you will need all your senses to experience the unknown – and to simply enjoy your surroundings.

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Opening Hours
Opening hours listed on the website
free of charge
Botanical GardenZollikerstrasse 107
8008 Zürich
Telefon +41 44 634 84 61
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