PLATZ Winterthur Adventure Playground
A creative and playful afternoon with our children that came as a welcome change from our well-planned daily routine.

Sports and action are our life. With our «second home», the Skills Park, we already created an indoor paradise for skater of all sorts. And since recently, there is also a real outdoor wonderland for kids in Winterthur: the PLATZ Winterthur, situated in the Rosenberg neighborhood. It goes without saying that, on opening day, we too were there to help wherever we could.
Now that the PLATZ has officially opened, we come back for a visit and already at the entrance, we feel that the entire place is vibrant with activity and all kinds of sounds and noises. Our kids need no second invitation and plunge right away into the colorful adventure world.
They tinker and do arts and crafts. They dig in the mud, build huts, make fire, argue, make up, laugh and have fun. The PLATZ is composed of a play area and a construction area. Every little master hut builder, clay kneader, straw stacker, fire maker, even finger painters and sand diggers will find something to do and discover. Groups form and break up, our children divide the work, negotiate, help and complement each other – playfully they learn for life.
We watch our 9-year-old daughter patiently make quaint pottery and create her very own dream world. After that, however, she needs some action! So, she goes to play and romp around in the straw with the other children – the resulting straw hairstyle, spiced up with damp pieces of clay, is the result of an exciting and eventful day full of games and fun.
The 3,500m2 large area is open to all children and parents. The first visit is free of charge. Members of the association have unlimited access to the playground. Parents can register their school children so that they can visit the PLATZ unaccompanied by adults. But they are never completely unattended, because there is always someone from the playground management on site. Another highlight is that the PLATZ organizes activities according to a topic – be it on an afternoon, or during the holidays, when children can register for exciting programs. To know what offers they have and to be up to date, visit the website regularly.
One feature we specially like is that the PLATZ was founded by parents and is managed by the association Verein Abenteuerspielplatz Winterthur. Since the opening on June 16, 2019, the adventure playground has been busy with happy children and parents. We, too, regularly come here and enjoy our time. We can relax and let our children play. They are better at it anyways. At the PLATZ, they create the world they like.

Roger Rinderknecht und Edina Banyoczki
Als Familienbetrieb realisierten und betreiben wir die Sportanlage Skills Park in Winterthur. Unser tägliches Abenteuer mit Spiel, Spass und Sport.
Tips and links Kinderregion
More family activities in Winterthur
More adventure playgrounds in the Children’s Region